Address: Kiptree Dr. Elizabeth Lake, CA 93532 93532
Approximate value $: 115,000
Here is available lot in Elizabeth Lake. Owned free and clear and tax is current. Not any HoA or any kinds. Excepts, $ 400 annual property tax.
To build, like any others nearby property. You would need to buy a Electric Meter, Water Meter (I refer to drill-a-well if possible) and install the Septic. There are few custom houses immediately around. Power lines run through the northern border with water supplie is nearby.
The price is showing for a 5-ac lot ($115,000). Additional 5-ac lot side-by-side is also available (for both $225,000).
Both Zone: Agricultural, allows you to have 4 legged animals: horse, cow, pig, etc. Home must be on at least 2+ acres lot.
In exchange for Property in Any state
Approximate value $ : 115,000
Trade/Exchange/OWC up to value. Can add cash/terms.
CC/Tiny home/Home/Mobile Home/ RV/anything...
Anywhere...Including international country like: Vietnam/Thailand/Taiwan...