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Land in Colorado

Address: Hartsel Hartsel 80449

Approximate value $: 17000

Full Details of this property can be found at ( ) or type in Avannah Properties into your Web Browser.

7.5 Acres for only $7,900! This is unheard of! 46% of value. This land has a current value of $17,000! If you enjoy fishing, hunting, camping or just want to purchase land as an investment. This lot if for you! Located minutes form Eleven Mile and Spinney Reservoirs you can have a place to call your own. This lot is a nice lot with a seasonal creek. This lot is moderately sloped for that walk out basement and great views of surrounding area and peaks.
We will accept terms, trade or sell out right.

Call Matt G at 303-435-6845

In exchange for Property in Any state

Anything of Value to include, House, ATV, UTV and Vehicles.
Call Matt at Avannah Properites 303-435-6845

ID: 17231, Submitted: 09/22/2011 17:18:25, Updated: 09/22/2011 17:32:08, Visitors: 2808


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