Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Florida

Address: 0 Oak Trail Edgewater 32141

Approximate value $: 100,000.

These are 2-5 acre parcels in an area of nice homes which each have values of $300,000 to $500,000 in todays market. Each Lot is Listed at $49,900 which is below market value. City water available. 10 minutes to beach. Some wetlands but buildable and can be subdivided. On Central Florida East Coast just South of Daytona Beach and North of Cape Canaveral. One hour to Orlando Airport.

In exchange for Property in Colorado, 80926

Approximate value $ : 100,000.

Want to be able to set up one or two RV's. Want west side of Colorado Springs. Will trade for approved land or RVs of equal value. Would also consider trading for a house if in area we want to live. All trades subject to our approval.

ID: 11548, Submitted: 01/10/2011 11:08:01, Updated: 01/15/2011 13:56:55, Visitors: 6479


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