Land in FloridaAddress: 34464 Approximate value $: 250,000 I have a total of 9 residential lots in the following locations:
- Dunnellon, Citrus County, Beverly Hills (FL), Homossassa, Port Saint Lucie.
All lots are vacant and on paved roads. Most are 0.25 acres and 2 are over 1 acre.
Photos and locations sent upon request.
In exchange for House in Florida, 32837Approximate value $ : 200,000 detached house -- 3bds+
However, we can negotiate for a lower priced home if needed. Then, you can pick the lots desired.
ID: 22298, Submitted: 07/25/2012 11:51:50, Updated: 07/25/2012 11:51:50, Visitors: 2385