Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Maine

Address: 263 fort RD Mars Hill 04758

Approximate value $: $68,000

Fields -- woods -- 21 acres 18 hole Miniture golf 12x32 gift store..Lawns 528' road Frontage.Tared road.just out of town...Deeded and is Deed Insured..Buld.on this Camp.MFH ok Pets ok farm it walk it love it viues.Swap for Fl place MFH in own your own land. NO rent me 207-429-8594 if Intrested.Skying near by it has a brook Bordering back.Ill send pictures.

In exchange for House in Florida, Tampa ocala

Approximate value $ : $50,000 to 70,000

DO not want lot rentl .Enverness ok.. TOP would be Zepherhill FL,

ID: 2357, Submitted: 02/17/2009 15:00:00, Updated: 02/17/2009 15:00:00, Visitors: 5894


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