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Land in Maine

Address: Lincoln Cove Road Perry 04667

Approximate value $: 180,000

Coobscook Bay. 15.5 Surveyed, Soil Tested Acres with 890' +/- right on the shore, and 490' +/- on road front. This is prime land, which is rignt near famous Eastport Maine . If you want a great investment, or that special place to build your home then you will love this piece of Heaven. Thank You

In exchange for Property in Maine

Approximate value $ : 200,000

We would consider trading for any realestate in Maine, but our first option would be a newer log home on 20 +/- acres..Thank You

ID: 9272, Submitted: 10/31/2010 13:17:50, Updated: 11/01/2010 09:01:48, Visitors: 3116


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