Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Maryland

Address: 22615 Washington Street Leonardtown 20650

Approximate value $: 980K

1.5 acres in the heart of Leonardtown MD 1 block from the Circuit Court House water view of Breton Bay zoned residential with commercial use permit property consists of two lots parcels 316 and 500 parcel 500 has three building a 4 car garage, an over size 1 car garage 14 x 30 and a cement block house which was used as an office needs work value is in the land many possibilities great for development. Will trade for home in Costa Rica, Philippines, Aruba, or Florida Keys

In exchange for House in Florida, Georgia, Guam, South Carolina, Virgin Islands

Approximate value $ : 700K

looking for a 4 bedroom 2 bath on the water

ID: 13836, Submitted: 04/23/2011 14:58:40, Updated: 04/23/2011 15:00:32, Visitors: 6128


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