Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Michigan

Address: 49721

Approximate value $: $60,000

This is a River lot on the Black River in Cheboygan, MI. It is a beautiful building lot (just over one acre in size with 167' river frontage) that is only a mile or so from Black Lake, which you can access from a boat. The lot has a gentle slope to the water that would make for a nice walk out. All utilities are in this small subdivision of nice homes, which is called Black Shores Subdivision.

In exchange for House in Florida, Michigan, 48093

Approximate value $ : $60,000

Will trade for rental home of choice in the south eastern area of Michigan, Areas include; Warren, Centerline, East Detroit, Roseville, St. Clair Shores, Livonia, Redford. May consider trading for a home in Florida. May also consider a classic car as a partial down payment.

ID: 15769, Submitted: 08/18/2011 21:38:38, Updated: 08/18/2011 21:38:38, Visitors: 11120


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