Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Minnesota

Address: Appleton 56208

Approximate value $: 750,000.00

Good farm land in Western Minnesota under irrigation. Land lease with efficient producer in place through 2012.

In exchange for Property in Arizona, California, Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Approximate value $ : 750,000.00

Looking for a 1031 exchange for house, condo...what have you? AZ, CO, CA, MN (Alexandria or other lake-shore)....let's talk.
Stan and Kay Schirm (Owner Agent)
480 423 0310

ID: 129, Submitted: 04/05/2008 08:04:52, Updated: 04/05/2008 08:04:52, Visitors: 6094


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