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Land in Missouri

Address: 367 glover dr richland mo 65556

Approximate value $: 130000

77 Fenced acres with power 15 mile south of Lake of the Ozarks missouri..Property has springs and wet weather creeks, with awsome hunting? Hay fields that produce 35-50 rounds of native grass/ fescue..There are no building restrictions, very private, and no one can build next door?
1 -573-765-3339

In exchange for House in Arizona, 85650

Approximate value $ : same or more?

MFG home on 2-4 acres in sierra vista arizona/Hereford area or land in prescott arizona,with utilities present ok for mfg home?

ID: 2413, Submitted: 03/06/2009 19:22:16, Updated: 03/10/2009 09:32:20, Visitors: 3937


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