Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in New Mexico

Address: Bernal 87569

Approximate value $: 15,000-500,000

I have 5 parcels in New Mexico and 1 in Colorado for a trade for a small home in Florida. Up to 70 acres in NM on the Old Santa Fe Trail and 5 acres in CO. 45 miles to Santa Fe on I-25, 13 miles to Las Vegas NM. Prefer St Augustine South, Clearwater, Daytona, etc. Also have several houses for a possible trade.

In exchange for House in Florida

Small to medium house within a few miles to ocean, east or west coast. Prefer north half of state.

ID: 13858, Submitted: 04/24/2011 17:23:13, Updated: 04/24/2011 18:13:04, Visitors: 9310


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