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Land in New Mexico

Address: rainbow and northern ave Rio Rancho 87124

Approximate value $: 110,000

9 home builder lots, all near the intersection of northern and rainbow in rio rancho estates. They are half acre to 2 acre parcels. they are in sets sitting side by side making for larger lots. they are located in UNits 8, 7, 6, 4 and 1. all are frontage, 3 have power and 4 are slated to go commercial...2 are on a hill top and 360 view of albuqueruqe, the sandia peaks and the rio rancho valley. these are premium undeveloped home buuilder lots. i own them free and clear. will trade some or all for land or house.

In exchange for Land in Any state

Approximate value $ : any

city water, water on land or well

ID: 2945, Submitted: 06/07/2009 04:21:53, Updated: 06/07/2009 04:28:09, Visitors: 6976


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