Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in North Carolina

Address: 6716 Holt's Store Rd & 2825 Mt Hope Ch Rd Julian, NC 27283

Approximate value $: 100,000

13+ acres, family land cleared and great for pasture, farm, or couple homes. Near 2 golf courses, minutes from Main Hwy from Burlington to Greensboro and family all around area. Dragway nearby also.

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : $100,000 to $125,000

2 BR 2 Bath small place or land near water if possible Eastern side of Florida preferrably near Stuart

ID: 15443, Submitted: 07/28/2011 14:43:28, Updated: 07/28/2011 14:52:24, Visitors: 2529


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