Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in North Carolina

Address: 28426

Approximate value $: 350,000

We are offering a two lot investment property in a Marina/Golf Community in Holden Beach, NC. A walk to the marina, and a short drive to the golf course. Currently valued at approximately %400k, but would trade for NJ Shore House. Lots are located in communities prime location. Accros from park/pond, and only yards from the marina. Homes in sister community are selling for between $600k - $1m.

In exchange for House in New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Approximate value $ : $400k

Looking to trade NC investment/building lots for Jersey Shore home or PA Lake front home.

ID: 3363, Submitted: 08/03/2009 21:54:04, Updated: 08/03/2009 21:54:04, Visitors: 3677


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