Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in North Carolina

Address: 1173A Rainbow Trail Boone 28607

Approximate value $: 125000 Reduced $10,0000

Description: Boone, North Carolina
(10) Acre Track for sale ($115,000) or Trade for a House and Lot, investment property or maybe land of equal value in New Smyrna Beach, Florida or within a 50 mile surrounding area.
My Property Is located on Rainbow Trail Rd. In Boone, NC.
North side of Howard's Knob.
Nice Community in country but Only minutes form Boone. County Taxes only.
Steep areas, Rock cropping,Views,perked.

If interested please e-mail at.

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : 125000 Reduced $10,000

ID: 7737, Submitted: 08/22/2010 22:35:55, Updated: 12/17/2010 10:50:16, Visitors: 3094


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