Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Oklahoma

Address: 7188 E 140 Holdenville 74848

Approximate value $: 149,000

40 acres in the rolling hills with views, hardwoods, pastures, ponds, and a small house built recently with all utilities, US mail and broadband internet. 8 miles to County seat, schools, and Walmart. Renters will move out if so desired. Low Taxes!

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 150,000

Will trade down in value for the right property. Fixer-upper is OK. All offers respectfully considered. Prefer west/southwest

ID: 23983, Submitted: 02/16/2014 12:55:44, Updated: 05/03/2015 12:29:53, Visitors: 11537


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