Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Oregon

Address: 34251 Mt Tom Dr Harrisburg, OR 97446

Approximate value $: $349,000

81 acres with spectacular southwestern views, qualifies for 1 homesite. Has small year round creek, good pond site by homesites, very private, but 15 mi n.e. of Eugene high (1,400 ft) above valley floor. 45 acres in conservation easement. Valued as if 36 acres with additional recreational land. Borders BLM in rear. Map locator often shows it in res. neighborhood, but it is actually at the end of the public road. Exchange for house with land or buildable land between I-5 and coast with waterfront of some sort.

In exchange for House in Oregon

Approximate value $ : 350000

Must have privacy and lake or river front that is fishable. Can have home or be buildable. Adjoining govt land a plus

ID: 2037, Submitted: 12/12/2008 11:33:59, Updated: 12/12/2008 11:33:59, Visitors: 6971


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