Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in South Carolina

Address: Kist Rd Greer 29651

Approximate value $: 463,000

For sale or trade, 23.15 acres located in Greer, South Carolina's "Golden Square." The property is in Spartanburg County listed as Tax Map 5-35-00-041.00. (Property lines are available on County GIS system). Currently classified as agricultural. Taxes are less than $40.

Utilities included: 8" Water Line Along Kist, Natural Gas, and Electricity.

The site is located .25 miles from the new Abner Creek Elementary, 1.3 miles from the I-85 exchange at SC HWY 101, 3.5 miles from the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System's Village Hospital, and 1.7 miles from the entrance to BMW's South Carolina Plant.

In exchange for House in District of Columbia, South Carolina

Would prefer a home in Greenville, SC. Neighborhoods such as Parkins Mill, Alta Vista, Collins Creek, Thronblande, Cobblestone.

Will consider costal homes/condos in Charleston, SC area.
Will consider homes/condos in Washington, DC.

ID: 5452, Submitted: 02/20/2010 16:32:27, Updated: 02/20/2010 16:48:37, Visitors: 6883


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