Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Tennessee

Address: confederate way lawrenceburg tn. 38464

Approximate value $: offer 1000ft creek frontage

located about 5 miles from Davy Crocket State Park and US 64. about half is cleared and has septic system installed. power in fron of property. Trade motorhome, autos, boats, condos,etc. was trade to me on partial payment for log home. 75 miles sw of nashville tn, and 40 miles nw of Huntsville,ala.need offers Harold will build log home on if if you wish, view my web at 423-645-8592 Harold

In exchange for Land in Any state

Approximate value $ : even,up, down

ID: 15541, Submitted: 08/04/2011 08:04:13, Updated: 08/04/2011 08:04:13, Visitors: 7746


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