Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Tennessee

Address: Lot 336, Grande Vista Bay Rockwood TN 37854

Approximate value $: 98,500.00 grand+vista+bay+tennessee&HBX_OU=50&keycode=GOOGLEPPC_GVB& gclid=COLNxf_ZrpcCFQEuxwodPx6DiQ
Check out this site on Grande Vista Bay. It is a beautiful lake development. The lot is 1.40 +/- acre, with a view of the water and mountains. It is a gated community with under ground utilities, beautiful club house, pool, etc. It is central located, about 15 min from I-40, and 35 min West of Knoxville. out 35 min to

In exchange for House in Florida, Tennessee, Virginia

Approximate value $ : $125,000.00

2-3 bedroom, 1-2 bath single family or townhome in the Knoxville/Nashville TN area, and/or Charlottesville/Waynesville/Stanton VA area, and/or Fort Walton/Freeport FL area.

ID: 2021, Submitted: 12/07/2008 08:49:18, Updated: 12/07/2008 09:41:39, Visitors: 10673


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