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Land in Texas

Address: Cr 137 and Cr105 Roscoe, Nolan County 76354

Approximate value $: $280K or $420K

140 acres of land south of Roscoe, Texas with county road frontage. Natural pasture land in an area of cotton farms, hay fields and wind farms. Currently used for hunting deer, wild hogs, birds and varmints. Property will make a good hunting property, recreational property or country home site. A natural spring in the southwest corner provides water source for wildlife. Property sits on a sizeable aquifer. Vegetation consists of a combination of trees and pasture land with native plant life plus regenerating ermelo/lovegrass that was planted.
Will sell for $2000/acre with MINERAL RIGHTS NEGOTIABLE ($280000), or $3000/acre ($420000)with ALL (100%) MINERAL RIGHTS; OR will trade/swap for home of comparable value (3-4Bdr, 2-3 Ba, 2-3 car garage, big yard/lot {.5ac }, single family) in west Richardson, Addison, east Farmers Branch, or east Carrolton.

In exchange for House in Texas

Approximate value $ : $280K or $420K

Will trade/swap for home of comparable ($280K or $420K) value (3-4Bdr, 2-3 Ba, 2-3 car garage, big yard/lot {.5ac }, single family) in west Richardson, Addison, east Farmers Branch, or east Carrolton.

ID: 8871, Submitted: 10/18/2010 16:34:33, Updated: 10/18/2010 16:34:33, Visitors: 8353


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