Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Virgin Islands

Address: Bordeaux Mountain Rd. Saint John,U.S.V.I. 00830

Approximate value $: 340,000.00

corner lot with road & power to site/1/2 acre lot wooded with view of British Virgin Islands & Hurricane Cove[new marina for yachts coming]Would trade for ranch in Tx,Ms,Al.,Fl.or cash/whatever

In exchange for Ranch in Texas

Approximate value $ : 340,000 +-

Build your dream home,rent it out for thousand week in season while you cruz,live in it rest of time.

ID: 26102, Submitted: 12/20/2017 21:11:22, Updated: 12/20/2017 21:11:22, Visitors: 8464


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