Address: 100 and 104 Sunrise Ave. SE Ocean Shores WA 98569
Approximate value $: 210,000.00
Double lot at the corners of Piersall and Sunrise. Property is located at the SE corner of intersection. The lots may be purchased separately or together as a double lot. Both have second floor views of Grays Harbor Bay. Property is one (1) block off the bay. Pip valve installed, on one lot. Property has mature fir and some alder on it. Neighborhood has wonderful higher end homes located in this section of the Ocean Shores Community. For immediate information, messages may be left at 206-497-2640. Thank you for looking at us.
In exchange for Land in Arizona, 85747
Approximate value $ : 210,000.00
Improved lots, part of an established subdivision, located in the county, desire views of the mountains or valley. Looking particularly in Vail, Sahuarita, Tubac and Tucson.