Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Property in Colorado

Address: 1961 CR 782 Woodland Park 80863

Approximate value $: 228000.00

Beautiful 10acre heavily wooded w/ Pikes Peak view! Just 15 mins. N.W. of Woodland Park. Has very nice 4bed 2bath 9yr.-old 1412SF HUD Modular w/ all newer utilities. Designed everything around building large walk-out S.-facing custom home, but never made it that far. Everything is ready to build your custom dream home while living 70' away! We've lived here for 6 years, but need to get closer to CO Springs due to work / family. Please contact Rob @ 719-499-6340.

In exchange for House in Colorado, 80829

Approximate value $ : 300000.00

3-4 bed, 2-3 bath, 2K-3K SF, Garage, larger lot to 1+ acres..

ID: 13046, Submitted: 03/10/2011 15:33:08, Updated: 03/10/2011 15:33:08, Visitors: 7911


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