Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Property in Illinois

Address: 41420 Elm East Lynn 60932

Approximate value $: 205000

This may sound a bit crazy but we (Wife and I) are trying to find a home near my children and grandchildren. Several years back we purchased a luxury RV ((2011 Tuscany) valued at $234000 in 2011 valued around $170000) and then some property in central Illinois (valued near $35000) to park on when we visit but it turns out we can only visit during the winter and an RV is just not convenient to use for that purpose. We are interested in trading the RV and property towards a home purchase.

In exchange for House in Illinois, Wisconsin, 59923

Approximate value $ : 205000


ID: 26044, Submitted: 10/21/2017 00:20:39, Updated: 10/21/2017 00:20:39, Visitors: 6783


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