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Ranch in Arizona

Address: 605 N. Spur Drive Payson 85541

Approximate value $: 535,000.00

Multi Generation Horse Property in town in Payson. 4 bedrm,3 bath,walk in showers,closets,2 huge master
suites,2kitchens,2laundries,2grtrms,den,complete horse set up,2 arenas,tack,feed,wash,stalls w/runs,pasture, ht/wtr. laundries,2grtrms.setup for inlaws or rental!I Want Hrse property in Scottsdale/CaveCreek/Rio Verde Rd. 602-290-7282

In exchange for Ranch in Arizona, 85331,85255,85262,85253

Approximate value $ : 500,000 or less

small house with saltio tile, spanish/mexican,fireplace,porch, 1 acre or more, must have barn or room to build barn, I have 2 horses.

ID: 23099, Submitted: 03/11/2013 00:04:34, Updated: 03/11/2013 00:14:58, Visitors: 8078


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