Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Ranch in Colorado

Address: US Highway 287 Springfield 81073

Approximate value $: $750,000 - $1MM

Horse ranch in SE Colorado on 500 acres with large ranch house, great guest faclities, very good water and the option of much equipment needed to operate a ranch: tractors, trailers, trucks, horses, ATV's, etc. Facility is in very good condition.

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : same or less than our ranch

Looking for nice house in south Florida with boat dock on the gulf side with inland coastal access. But not closed to other similar properties.

ID: 23465, Submitted: 07/23/2013 17:10:24, Updated: 07/23/2013 17:10:24, Visitors: 7081


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