Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Ranch in Florida

Address: 1281 NE Nixon Way Madison 32340

Approximate value $: 165000

10+/- wooded acres with 74x32 4/2 mobile home, pool/deck, 3 storage bldgs, covered parking for 3 cars + RV; 4 miles to super mkts, hosp, stores, banks,schools & college. Talla 55 mi, Valdosta 25 mi. I-10 easy off/on

In exchange for House in Florida, 32308

Approximate value $ : 200+

need 5/3, in Talla, nice area, near TMHosp

ID: 27002, Submitted: 04/13/2020 16:02:25, Updated: 04/13/2020 16:42:11, Visitors: 4784


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