Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Ranch in Idaho

Address: 83716

Approximate value $: 699,000

140 acres with 2 Homes. 15 min from Boise airport with great view.
Barn, Arena, Corrals, Numerous Outbuildings, and Energy Efficient Automatic Waters for Horses and Cattle already installed.
1st Home has 3 beds, 2 bath, with bonus room, and privacy deck.
2nd Home is 1 bed 1bath, and could be rented for extra income.
Automatic sprinklers and drip system.
699,000.00 OBO. Owner will carry. Email for more details...

In exchange for Ranch in British Columbia

ID: 21879, Submitted: 05/21/2012 15:16:53, Updated: 05/21/2012 15:16:53, Visitors: 9189


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