Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Ranch in Minnesota

Address: 700 Austin Drive Saint Peter 56082

Approximate value $: 170,000.00

I have this Ranch House on a quiet street.I bought the house in 2006 for 178,000.00.The house is now worth about 125,000.00,(underwater).This house needed work and I put a new roof,new front steps, new deck,new air conditioning,new sunroom with new roof over it also,and a new hot water heater(boiler).I also did alot of landscaping and anew 6ft. fence all around the property.I put about 30,000.00 worth of work into this house.Its a 3 bedroom,1 1/2 bathroom.Basement is semi finished,needs some work.Fuse box is old school ( fuse box ).Its a very nice house in a nice quiet street.I am looking to downsize to a 2 bedroom home in good condition in Saint Peter,Mankato area,etc.I am looking for a cheaper home to swap permantly.

In exchange for House in Minnesota, 56082

Approximate value $ : 70,000.00

ID: 23256, Submitted: 05/09/2013 15:08:29, Updated: 05/09/2013 15:08:29, Visitors: 8231


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