Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Ranch in Wisconsin

Address: Comanche Way Madison 53704

Approximate value $: 187,000

This property will be available to rent July 1st, 2011
3 BDRM, 2 BATH, attached 1 car attached garage
2,224 sq ft

We have renovated the entire home since the day we moved in. Brand new bathroom with whirlpool tub. This home has an open bottom basement, shed, fenced in yard, patio deck on 2nd level, well rounded yard. If you have kids that go to elementary/Middle school this is the place for you. The school is located right across the street. Also you can fit 5 vehicles on property. Convenient for Madison Mallards Games, and Rhythm & Booms!!*%$# ...

In exchange for Ranch in Florida

Approximate value $ : 187,000

This property will be available to rent July 1st, 2011

3 BDRM, 2 BATH, attached 1 car attached garage
2,224 sq ft

We have renovated the entire home since the day we moved in. Brand new bathroom with whirlpool tub. This home has an open bottom basement, shed, fenced in yard, patio deck on 2nd level, well rounded yard. If you have kids that go to elementary/Middle school this is the place for you. The school is located right across the street. Also you can fit 5 vehicles on property. Convenient for Madison Mallards Games, and Rhythm & Booms!!*%$# ... We are looking in the area of Orlando no more than 35 mintues away. Horse property for two horses. We would like a pool but not necessary.

ID: 11684, Submitted: 01/13/2011 14:49:36, Updated: 01/13/2011 14:53:45, Visitors: 4964


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