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Town House in Colorado

Address: 1241 Soaring Eagle Drive Colorado Spring 80915

Approximate value $: 84000

Low maintenance lifestyle, two blocks to bus line, quiet neighbors, convenient to shopping and dinning on Powers Blvd., low HOA fees

End townhome in a row of four. Upstairs are two bedrooms, a full bath, and a laundry area with a full-sized washer and dryer. Downstairs is a kitchen, powder room, dining room, and living room.

Check out my link on Zillow:

In exchange for Town House in Colorado, 80525

Approximate value $ : 80000

Looking for townhome/condo/single family home in Fort Collins/Loveland area.

ID: 5991, Submitted: 03/27/2010 07:55:22, Updated: 03/27/2010 08:04:35, Visitors: 3653


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