furnished townhouse 3bdrm,2.5ba,bdrms upstairs with laundry rm closet, all rooms upstairs have catherdal ceiling including stairway, downstairs 9ft ceiling, garage,screen room, tiled kitchen,entry,dining rm, large living room,stainless appliances, approx 1700sq ft. nicely furnished, except 3rd bdrm or den with closet, walking distance to walmart,and 1 mile to large mall, 30 minutes to theme parks by freeway, 2miles to historic downtown sanford on beautiful lake monroe and st johns waterway. nile 352 223 7305 sell or trade for RV,houseboat,cabin home in GA,NC,TENN,mountains????? partial trade?????
In exchange for House in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee
Approximate value $ : 200k
cabin home in mountains of ga,nc,tenn or large rv or houseboat