Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Town House in Florida

Address: 32258

Approximate value $: 165,00.00

Have 5 year old townhome in gated community..has beautiful pool and gym..close to I95 for travel..near new Baptist South Hospital..townhome has all new appliances/black in color..with tiled screened porch that backs up to preserve..also have two timeshares/one in Breckenridge Colorado and one in Las Vegas that we could possible make part of the trade if necessary..also a lot in Tellico Village..Tn

In exchange for House in North Carolina

Approximate value $ : $150,000.-$175,000.00

would prefer log cabin as first prefence but will consider at least 2BR/2 bath house or condo/townhome..would like modern appliances..also would like a fireplace

ID: 7788, Submitted: 08/25/2010 16:16:24, Updated: 08/25/2010 16:16:24, Visitors: 2394


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