Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Town House in Illinois

Address: Gurnee 60031

Approximate value $: 80,000

3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, 1 car garage townhome in Gurnee, recently inherited, too far to travel to maintain and do not want to immediately sell due to recent value drop in current real estate market.

In exchange for Property in Illinois, 60139

Approximate value $ : Equal to or greater than existing property

Am open to various exchange options such as residential rental investment property closer to western Chicago suburbs area/Glendale Heights, commercial/business property in Northeastern Illinois area in interested business areas of golf, music, or health care, or even potentially vacant or farm land or commercial rental property.

ID: 13566, Submitted: 04/10/2011 00:24:07, Updated: 04/10/2011 00:24:07, Visitors: 5850


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