Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Town House in Illinois

Address: Powers Road Woodstock 60098

Approximate value $: 155,000

2 bedrooms + HUGE loft; 2.5 baths; 2 car attached garage; 2007 Centex Homes Construction!
Make an offer today -- Willing to negotiate price for a good swap!
Email me for more information and pictures!

In exchange for House in Illinois, 60014

Approximate value $ : 240,000-300,000

Looking for 3+ bedroom, single family home in Crystal Lake, Cary, Algonquin, or LITH

ID: 6671, Submitted: 06/15/2010 23:17:54, Updated: 06/24/2010 20:57:08, Visitors: 6665


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