Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Town House in Nevada

Address: 729 Mesa Springs Dr. Mesquite, NV 89027

Approximate value $: 250,000

2 story town home in exceptional condition in Mesquite, NV. It is almost 2,000sf - 2 master bedrooms, 2.5 baths, atrium, fireplace and beautiful upgrades. LOOKING FOR A PERMANENT TRADE - our town home for your RUSTIC LOG CABIN in Ruidoso,NM, UTAH, Prescott, AZ or Flagstaff, AZ area. Our TOWN HOME is completely paid for - no liens, mortgage, etc. etc.

In exchange for Town House in Utah

Approximate value $ : $190,000-250,000

We want a permanent trade for a very well kept RUSTIC LOG CABIN at least 1,200sf - Montana, Ruidoso, NM or Prescott, AZ. or Utah.

ID: 23207, Submitted: 04/26/2013 01:03:12, Updated: 04/26/2013 01:25:32, Visitors: 9335


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