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Town House in New Jersey

Address: 54 Queens Way Englishtown 07726

Approximate value $: 230000

3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath corner townhouse in great school district and neighborhood of Englishtown NJ in Monmouth county. Recently renovated with new floor and stainless steel appliances. I've been renting this unit out for 1500/month for the past 10 years.

here is a link nglish-club/24885769/3/?sp=1&searchrank=1&fl=

In exchange for Condominium in Florida, 32114

Approximate value $ : any

looking for an ocean front condo. I'll add cash if yours are worth more of course.

ID: 16630, Submitted: 09/07/2011 18:25:33, Updated: 09/07/2011 21:11:04, Visitors: 5557


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