Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Town House in Tennessee

Address: Brentwood 37027

Approximate value $: 375,000

Totally updated north Brentwood townhouse. 3Br., 2.5Ba., 2083sq. ft. So many nice and new upgrades it’s hard to mention them all. Beautiful neighborhood with easy access to the interstate.

In exchange for House in Tennessee, 37215

Approximate value $ : Anything under $280,000

I’m looking to trade for any house or townhouse in the nashville area- the closer to downtown the better! I’m open to any and all deals. Fixer uppers welcome. Let’s make a deal and save some money!

ID: 26314, Submitted: 08/10/2018 03:08:13, Updated: 08/10/2018 03:08:13, Visitors: 7739


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