Beautiful upscale apartment/townhouse in Round Rock, Texas for your townhouse, house in an area close to Lenoir. My 2 bedroom, 2 bath has all tile counter tops,garage under living room. Ceiling fans through out. I am including my washer and dryer. Club house offers free DVD check out, internet room, work out area, pool. small front grass area with tree. Property backs up to greenbelt. Pet friendly. 10 months left of my lease. All you need is good credit and pass criminal history check. I am priced well below market value. Need to be in N.C. by Sept 1st for new job.
In exchange for House in North Carolina, 28645
Approximate value $ : above $500
Must have a place for a washer and dryer. Would like a garage or carport. Pet friendly. Located near Lenoir, Hickory or Granite Falls.