Address: 1148 Northfield Road #38 Cedar City 84720
Approximate value $: 85,000
We would need someone to buy the note (we owe more than it is worth) and sale their property to us by owner. We would work to make it a good deal for someone. I think it was built in 2004 or 2005. Sorry I don't have more pictures, we don't live nearby and can't easily get pictures. I could easily refer you to pictures of similar townhouses in the same complex. There are two colleges in town and this could be a good rental property if you don't pay as much for it as we did when the market was high. Now we want to move to Oregon and don't want to keep holding on to a place so far from where we plan to stay.
In exchange for House in Oregon
Approximate value $ : 75,000-150,000
Enough space for a large garden. We would consider a fixer-upper.