Town House in VirginiaAddress: 11300 Wytheville Lane Fredericksburg 22407 Approximate value $: 334,590 Corner Unit; 2400 square feet; Living Room,Dining Room,Sitting Room,Bedroom-Second,Bedroom-Third,Kitchen,Family Rm,Garage,Breakfast Room,2nd Family Room,Sun/Florida Room,MBR w/Sit Rm; new stainless steel Dishwasher, Disposal, Exhaust Fan, Icemaker, Microwave, Oven/Range-Electric, Refrigerator; Built-in Bookcases, FP Glass Doors, Home Warranty, MBA/Sep Shwr, MBA/Sep Tub, MBR-BA Full, Shades/Blinds, Tub-Soaking, W/W Carpeting, Walk-in Closets; In exchange for House in VirginiaApproximate value $ : 334,900 Newer one level home with 2 car gargage, 3-4 bedrooms, with or without basement. Large bedrooms and a lot of storage. ID: 13845, Submitted: 04/24/2011 07:23:32, Updated: 04/24/2011 07:23:32, Visitors: 5432